Madhyamik 2025 Geography Question Paper | Madhyamik 2025 Geography Question Paper
Category ‘A’
1. Select the correct answer from the options and write: 1×14=14
1.1 The process by which uneven terrain is removed and becomes flat or nearly flat is called
(a) Nagnibhavan
(c) Stage
(b) Ascent
(d) Descent
1.2 The process by which sand particles are lifted and removed by the wind in deserts is
(a) Displacement
(c) Friction
(b) Friction
(d) Swelling
1.3 The average air pressure at sea level is
(a) 10122 millibars
(b) 1013.2 millibars
(d) 1015.2 millibars
(c) 1014.2 millibars
1.4 Precipitation occurs in equatorial climate zones
(a) In summer
(b) In spring
(c) In winter
(d) Throughout the year
1.5 El Nino effects are visible
(a) Atlantic Ocean
(b) Indian Ocean
(c) Pacific Ocean
(d) North Ocean
1.6 The time difference between the main tide and the secondary tide at a place is
(a) 12 hours
(c) 24 hours
(b) 12 hours 26 minutes
(d) 24 hours 52 minutes
1.7 Among the following, toxic waste is:
(a) Mercury
(b) Agricultural waste
(c) Cellulose
(d) Kitchen waste
1.8 The total number of states in India at present is
(a) 30
(c) 28
(b) 29
(d) 27
1.9 The highest plateau in India is
(a) Malviya Plateau
(c) Telangana Plateau
(b) Meghalaya Plateau
(d) Ladakh Plateau
1.10 The confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers is located at the following place
(a) Kanpur
(c) Devprayag
(b) Allahabad
(d) Varanasi
1.11 The region where rainfall occurs under the influence of western cyclones is
(a) Jammu and Kashmir
(c) Kerala
(b) Tamil Nadu
(d) Meghalaya
1.12 The state that ranks first in coffee production in India is
(a) Kerala
(c) Karnataka
(b) Tamil Nadu
(d) Andhra Pradesh
1.13 The largest private iron and steel plant in India is
(a) Durgapur Steel Plant
(b) Bhilai Steel Plant
(c) Salem Steel Plant
(d) Tata Iron and Steel Plant
1.14 The numerical scale of the map is
(a) 1 : 10,000
(b) 1:25,000
(c) 1:50,000
(d) 1: 1,00,000
Category – ‘B’
2.1 Write ‘Shu’ next to the following sentences if they are correct and ‘A’ next to them if they are incorrect (Answer any six questions): 1×6=6
2.1.1 The height of the frost line in the polar regions is zero meters.
2.1.2 Ozone holes are seen in the Antarctic region .
2.1.3 Chinook is a warm air stream flowing through France.
2.1.4 Syzygy occurs when the sun and moon are at right angles to the earth.
2.1.5 Polluted air is purified with the help of scrubbers.
2.1.6 Kerala is the leading state in rain water conservation in India.
2.1.7 The use of computers is essential for interpreting satellite images.
2.2 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words (answer any six questions): 1×6=6
2.2.1 A wide funnel-shaped river mouth is called…….
2.2.2 The desert formed by sand is known as…… in the Sahara.
2.2.3 The speed of wind is determined with the help of an…… instrument.
2.2.4 ……currents flow along the surface of the seabed.
2.2.5 The lagoons of the Malabar coast are called…… in the local language.
2.2.6 The crops like jowar, bajra, ragi etc. are collectively called…….
2.2.7 The Indian Space Research Organisation is located at…….
2.3 Answer in one or two words (answer any six questions): 1×6=6
2.3.1 Write the name of the dry river valleys found in the desert.
2.3.2 State the relative humidity of the air involved.
2.3.3 Write the name of a world-famous marine erosion.
2.3.4 Give an example of an organic friable waste.
2.3.5 What is the name of the fresh alluvium of the Gangetic plain?
2.3.6 Which state in India ranks first in tea production?
2.3.7 What is the literacy rate of India as per the 2011 census?
2.3.8 Which organization in India prepares a geodiversity map?
2.4 Match the bullets on the left with the bullets on the right:
Left Right
2.4.1 Kalbaisakhi 1. Bengaluru
2.4.2 Aravalli Mountains 2. Lucknow
2.4.3 Silicon Valley 3. West Bengal
2.4.4 Sugarcane Research Centre 4. Rajasthan
Category ‘C’
3. Give short answers to the following questions (note the alternative questions) 2×6=12
3.1 Define watershed. Or, what is an inselberg?
3.2 What do you mean by neutral humidity? Or, define a frost wall.
3.3. Define waste recycling. Or, what do you mean by composting?
3.4 What do you mean by desertification? Or, mention two benefits of social afforestation.
3.5 Write two benefits of agricultural development in Punjab Haryana region. Or, define heavy engineering industry.
3.6 Define satellite imagery. Or, what do you mean by million sheets?
Category – ‘D’
4. Give short explanatory answers (optional questions are worth noting)
4.1 Write the difference between longitudinal sand dunes and transverse sand dunes. Or, discuss the comparison between high tide and low tide.
4.2 Mention the requirements of waste management. Or, how is the water of Bhagirathi-Hooghly river being polluted by various wastes?
4.3 Discuss three methods of forest conservation in India. OR, discuss the comparative importance of railways and roads in India.
4.4 Discuss the importance of remote sensing systems. Or, mention three uses of biodiversity index maps.
Category – ‘E’
5. 5.1 Answer any two questions:
5.1.1 Describe with illustrations three landforms formed as a result of river erosion.
5.1.2 Explain the three main causes of variations in atmospheric temperature.
5.1.3 Explain how precipitation occurs with the help of diagrams and examples.
5.1.4 Discuss the factors that control the formation of ocean currents.
5.2 Answer any two questions:
5.2.1 Write the differences in the natural characteristics of the rivers of North and South India.
5.2.2 Describe the natural environment conducive to cotton production in India.
5.2.3 Explain the reasons for the concentration of petrochemical industry in the western part of India.
5.2.4 Discuss the five main reasons for the uneven distribution of population in India.
Category – ‘F’
6. Mark the lines on the map of India provided with the question paper with the appropriate symbols and names and attach the map to the answer sheet.
6.1 Nilgiri Mountains
6.2 Tapti River
6.3 Loktak Lake
6.4 A rain shadow region
6.5 Desert region
6.6 A wheat-growing region in northern India
6.7 Manchester, India 6.8
An iron and steel industrial center in West Bengal
6.9 An international airport in southern India
6.10 Mumbai.