India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947 PDF Download

Download Free PDF Book “India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947” By Bipan Chandra, Mridula Mukherjee, Aditya Mukherjee, Sucheta Mahajan. India’s struggle for independence India’s struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra is your go to book for an in-depth and detailed overview on Indian independence movement . Indian freedom struggle is one of the most important parts of its history. A lot has been written and said about it, but there still remains a gap. Rarely do we get to hear accounts of the independence from the entire country and not just one region at one place. This book fits in perfectly in this gap and also provides a narration on the impact this movement had on the people. Bipin Chandra’s book is a well-documented history of India’s freedom struggle against the British rule.

India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947 Book contents

  1. The First Major Challenge: The Revolt of 1857
    2. Civil Rebellions and Tribal Uprisings
    3. Peasant Movements and Uprisings after 1857
    4. Foundation of the Congress: The Myth
    5. Foundation of the Indian National Congress: The Reality
    6. Socio-Religious Reforms and the National Awakening
    7. An Economic Critique of Colonialism
    8. The Fight to Secure Press Freedom
    9. Propaganda in the Legislatures
    10. The Swadeshi Movement-1903-1908
    11. The Split in the Congress and the Rise of Revolutionary Terrorism
    12. World War I and Indian Nationalism: The Ghadar
    13. The Home Rule Movement and Its Fallout
    14. Gandhiji’s Early Career and Activism
    15. The Non-Cooperation Movement—I920-1922
    16. Peasant Movements and Nationalism in the 1920s
    17. The Indian Working Class and the National Movement
    18. The Struggles for Gurdwara Reform and Temple Entry
    12.The Years of Stagnation—Swarajists,No-Changers and Gandhiji
    13. Bhagat Singh, Surya Sen and the Revolutionary Terrorists
    14. The Gathering Storm-1927-1929

India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947 Book Details

Book Name India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947
Author Bipan Chandra, Mridula Mukherjee, Aditya Mukherjee, Sucheta Mahajan
Category General Studies Books, History Books
Book Language English
Publisher Penguin Books
Pages 561
Country London UK
Book Size 5 MB

India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947 Book PDF Download

India’s Struggle for Independence 1857-1947 PDF Download

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