Madhyamik 2025 History Question Paper | Madhyamik 2025 History Question Paper

(For Regular & External Candidates )
(New Syllabus)

[Questions given from ‘A’ to ‘E’ sections are for all regular and external examinees. Questions given in ‘F’ section are for external examinees only] (All questions in ‘A’ section are compulsory. In other sections, alternative questions are to be noted. In ‘B’ section, only visually impaired examinees will write answers as directed in the alternative questions. All others will mark the map. ]


1. Choose the correct answer and write: 1 × 20 = 20

1.1. The book ‘Jibener Jharapata’ is a-

(a) Novel
(b) Poetry
(c) Biography
(d) Autobiography

1.2. ‘Somaprakash’ was a-

(a) Daily newspaper
(b) Weekly newspaper
(c) Fortnightly newspaper
(d) Monthly newspaper

1.3. The publisher of the English translation of the play ‘Neeldarpan’ was-

(a) Kaliprasanna Singh
(b) Michael Madhusudan Dutt
(c) Harishchandra Mukherjee
(d) Rev. James Long

1.4. The practice of Sati is abolished—

(a) In 1828 AD
(b) In 1829 AD
(c) In 1830 AD
(d) In 1856 AD

1.5. He propagated the ideal of harmony among all religions.

(a) Vijaykrishna Goswami
(b) Swami Vivekananda
(c) Sri Ramakrishna
(d) Keshav Chandra Sen

1.6. The Kol Rebellion (1831-32) took place in –

(a) Medinipur
(b) Jhargram
(c) Chotanagpur
(d) Ranchi

1.7. The first Forest Act in India was passed in-

(a) In 1859 AD
(b) In 1860 AD
(c) In 1865 AD
(d) In 1878 AD

1.8. The rebellion of 1857 was called the first war of independence of India by-

(a) Ramesh Chandra Majumdar
(b) Surendranath Sen
(c) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
(d) Dadabhai Naorji

1.9. The East India Company in India came to an end in-

(a) In 1857 AD
(b) In 1858 AD
(c) In 1919 AD
(d) In 1947 AD

1.10, The first President of the Indian Parliament was-

(a) Surendranath Banerjee
(b) Anand Mohan Bose
(c) Rev. Kriyamohan Banerjee
(d) Shibnath Shastri

1.11. The first book printed in Bengali language is –

(a) Character Identification
(b) A Grammar of the Bengal Language
(c) Mangal Samachar Matiyar
(d) Annada Mangal

1.12. The scientist of the ‘Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science’ who received the Nobel Prize is —

(a) Jagadish Chandra Bose
(b) C. V. Raman
(c) Prafulla Chandra Roy
(d) Satyendranath Bose

1.13, The boycott movement caused economic losses to –

(a) The peasant class of Bengal
(b) The middle class
(c) The landlord class
(d) The Bhava society

1.14. Baba Ramchandra led the farmers’ movement –

(a) Bihar
(b) United Provinces
(c) Rajasthan
(d) Maharashtra

1.15. The Rampa tribal rebellion took place in –

(a) In the Malabar region
(b) On the Konkan coast
(c) In Orissa
(d) In the Godavari valley

1.16. ‘Nari Karma Mandir’ was founded by –

(a) Urmila Devi
(b) Basanti Devi
(c) Kalpana Dutta 
(d) Leela Roy (Nag)

1.17. The name of the revolutionary party founded by Surya Sen was –

(a) Anushil Samiti
(b) Ghadar Dal
(c) Indian Republican Army
(d) Bengal Volunteers

1.18. Dalits were called ‘Harijans’ by –

(a) Jyotiba Phule
(b) Narayan Guru
(c) Gandhiji
(d) Dr. Ambedkar

1.19. Separate linguistic Andhra Pradesh was formed –

(a) In 1947 AD
(b) In 1950 AD
(c) In 1953 AD
(d) In 1955 AD

1.20. Goa became part of India –

(a) In 1947 AD
(b) In 1956 AD
(c) In 1961 AD
(d) In 1971 AD


2. Answer the questions below (answer at least 1 question from each section for a total of 16 questions): 1 × 16 = 16

Subdivision: 2.1

Answer in one sentence: 1 × 4 = 4

(2.1.1) The painting ‘Mother India’ is painted against the backdrop of which historical event?

(2.1.2) Where was the All India Trade Union Congress (1920) founded?

(2.1.3) In which year was the Forward Bloc established?

(2.1.4) Who is the founder of the Matua community?

Subdivision: 2.2

Determine true or false: 1 × 4 = 4

(2.2.1) Udayashok made middle-class educated Bengalis interested in dance.

(2.2.2) The Indian Parliament opposed the Ilbert Bill.

(2.2.3) Farazi is the name of an ancient tribe.

(2.2.4) Vidyasagar introduced lino type in Bengali.

Subdivision: 2.3

Match column ‘A’ with column ‘B’: 1 × 4 = 4

Pillar ‘A’ Pillar ‘B’
(2.3.1) Jawaharlal Nehru (1) Non-Cooperation Movement
(2.3.2) Birendranath Shasmal (2) Poona Pact (1932)
(2.3.3) Kaliprasanna Singha (3) “Letters from a Father to His Daughter”
(2.3.4) Dr. Ambedkar (4) Design of the Hutom Pancha

Subdivision: 2.4

Mark and label the following places on the given line map of India: 1 × 4 = 4

(2.4.1) Area of ​​the Chuar Rebellion

(2.4.2) Area of ​​Munda rebellion

(2.4.3) Jhansi was the center of the Great Rebellion (1857)

(2.4.4) Native State of Junagadh

Subdivision: 2.5

Select the correct explanation for the following statements: 1 × 4 = 4

(2.5.1) Statement: The scope of the Bengal Renaissance in the 19th century was very limited.

    Explanation 1: Because the Renaissance took place only in rural Bengal.

    Explanation 2: Because this Renaissance was limited only to literature.

    Explanation 3: Because this Renaissance was limited only to progressive societies educated in Western education.

(2.5.2) Statement: In 1872, the British government passed the ‘Three Acts’.

    Explanation 1: The purpose of enacting this law was to unite the Hindu-Muslim-Christian society.

    Explanation 2: The purpose of enacting this law was to achieve economic, social and cultural progress of the people.

    Explanation 3: The purpose of enacting this law was to prohibit child marriage and polygamy and to legalize widow remarriage.

(2.5.3) Statement: Rabindranath Tagore did not like the colonial education system.

    Explanation 1: Because this education system was expensive.

    Explanation 2: Because the medium of this education system was the mother tongue.

    Explanation 3: Because this education system did not develop the minds of the students.

(2.5.4) Statement: Saraladevi Chaudhuri established Lakshmi Bhandar.

    Explanation 1: For selling foreign products.

    Explanation 2: To help protesting women.

    Explanation 3: For selling indigenous products.


3. Answer the following questions (any 11) in two or three sentences: 2×11=22

3.1. What is the importance of environmental history?

3.2. How are memoirs or autobiographies used as a material for studying the history of modern India?

3.3. What is the ‘Maclay Minute’?

3.4. What was the role of the New Bengalis in social reform?

3.5. Why is Dudu Mia memorable?

3.6. What was the role of Harishchandra Mukherjee in the Blue Rebellion?

3.7. What was the main purpose of the “Empress’s Proclamation” (1858)?

3.8. Why are caricatures drawn?

3.9. What was the role of Panchanan Karmakar in the development of printing in Bengal?

3.10. What is the importance of Battala Publication in the history of Bengali printing?

3:11. Why did the ‘Eka’ movement start?

3.12. Why did the Bardauli Satyagraha movement start?

3.13. Why was the Anti-Circular Society established?

3.14. Why was the Deepali Sangha established?

3.15. Under what circumstances did King Hari Singh of Kashmir sign the instrument of accession to India?

3.16. Why was the State Reorganization Commission (1953) formed?


4. Answer the following questions in seven or eight sentences. (You must answer at least 1 question from each subsection for a total of 6 questions) : 4 × 6 = 24

Subdivision: D. 1

4.1. What kind of social picture of 19th century Bengal is found in the book “Hutom Pechar Naksa”?

4.2. What was the role of Calcutta Medical College in the field of medical science in this country?

Subdivision: D.2

4.3. For what purpose did the colonial government enact the Forest Act?

4.4. Can the Great Revolt of 1857 be called a rebellion of the feudal class?

Subdivision: D.3

4.5. What was the contribution of Gangakishore Bhattacharya to the development of the printing industry in Bengal?

4.6. How Serampore Mission Press became a leading printing institution

Subdivision: 1.4

4.7. Write a short note on the problems of refugees caused by the partition of India (1947).

4.8. How did the Hyderabad state become part of India?

Category- ‘E’

5. Answer any one of the questions in fifteen or sixteen sentences: 1×8 =8

5.1. What was the role of Brahmo Samajs in the social reform movement in 19th century Bengal?

5.2. Briefly introduce Rabindranath’s thoughts on the harmony of man, nature and education.

5.3. Discuss the role of the left in the anti-colonial movement in 20th century India.

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