Madhyamik 2025 Geography Question Paper | Madhyamik 2025 Geography Question Paper

Section —A

1. Select the correct answer from the options and write: 1×14 = 14

1.1 In dry regions, canyons are called—

(a) Canyon
(b) “V” shaped valley
(c) Manthakup
(d) Dhand

1.2 The delta is shaped like a bird’s foot—

(a) At the mouth of the Nile
(b) At the mouth of the Hwangho
(c) At the mouth of the Indus
(d) At the mouth of the Mississippi-Missouri

1.3 Meteorites burn up in the following stages:

(a) Ionosphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere
(d) Exosphere

1.4 In the United States, the world’s most destructive cyclone, the tornado, is also called by this name:

(a) Cyclone
(b) Twister
(c) Typhoon
(d) Hurricane

1.5 The coastal region where the cold Labrador Current and the warm Gulf Stream combine to create dense fog and storms is—

(a) Newfoundland coast
(b) Guinea coast
(c) Florida coast
(d) Peru coast

1.6 During the period of Mara Kotal, the Moon and the Sun are at the following angles with respect to the Earth:

(a) 180°
(b) 360°
(c) 90°
(d) 120°

1.7 The following waste material is organic non-biodegradable waste—

(a) Plastic waste
(b) Synthetic rubber waste
(c) Aluminum foil
(d) All are applicable

1.8 The state of Telangana was formed by breaking up the following states:

(a) Madhya Pradesh
(b) Andhra Pradesh
(c) Bihar
(d) Uttar Pradesh

1.9 The plain formed by the accumulation of small rock fragments in the foothills of the Shivalik Himalayas is called:

(a) Khadar
(b) Bhangar
(c) Bhabar
(d) Bet

1.10 An example of a salty river in India is —

(a) Pangong Lake
(b) Bhimtal
(c) Dal Lake
(d) Lektak Lake

1.11 Laterite soils are found in the following areas:

(a) Gangetic plains
(b) Western slopes of the Western Ghats
(c) Sundarbans
(d) Desert region

1.12 Wheat is a—

(a) Rabi crops
(b) Kharif crops
(c) Zayed crops
(d) Beverage crops

1.13 The rapid road connectivity project to connect Srinagar in the north to Kanyakumari in the south has been named—

(a) East-West Corridor
(b) Golden Quadrilateral
(c) North-South Corridor
(d) North-Central Corridor

1.14 The artificial satellite sent from India is —

(a) IRS
(c) SPOT
(d) Station

Category — B

2.1 Write ‘Shu’ next to the following sentences if they are correct and ‘A’ next to them if they are incorrect (Answer any six questions): 1×6 = 6

2.1.1 A churning well is formed at the foot of a waterfall.
2.1.2 Air pressure is measured with the help of a Fotin barometer.
2.1.3 Seasonal changes can be observed in equatorial climate zones.
2.1.4 Droughts occur on the west coast of South America due to the influence of El Niño in the Pacific Ocean.
2.1.5 Tropical evergreen forests are seen in the states of Bihar and Chhattisgarh.
2.1.6 The petrochemical industry is called the ‘modern industrial giant’.
2.1.7 The ‘platform’ from which artificial satellites are launched into space is the ‘platform’.

2.2. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words (answer any six): 1×6=6

2.2.1 The bend formed in the river is known as ‘meander’, named after the __________ river.

2.2.2 The horizontal and parallel cracks on the surface of a glacier are called __________.

2.2.3 The increase in temperature with increasing altitude in the atmosphere is called __________.

2.2.4 During the high tide, the sea water enters the river through the estuary at a high speed, this is called __________.

2.2.5 Wastes that decompose and mix with water, soil, and air are called __________.

2.2.6 __________ is the highest part of the Meghalaya plateau.

2.2.7 According to the 2011 census, the literacy rate in India is __________ percent.

2.3 Answer in one or two words (any six): 1×6=6

2.3.1 What is the sandy desert in the Sahara known as?

2.3.2 In which layer of the atmosphere do jet planes travel? 2.3.3 What is the main food of marine fish?
2.3.4 Write the name of a radioactive waste.
2.3.5 What is the name of the longest river in South India?
2.3.6 In which forest of India are lions found?
2.3.7 Write the name of the joint multi-purpose river plan of Jharkhand and West Bengal.
2.3.8 In which map is the topography depicted with the help of contour lines?

2.4 Match the numbers on the left with the numbers on the right: 1×4=4

Left side Right side

2.4.1 Palm (1) Coffee Research Station
2.4.2 Jhum Cultivation (2) Diesel Railway Engine
2.4.3 Chikmagalur (3) Western Himalayan Lakes
2.4.4 Varanasi (4) Soil Erosion


3. Give short answers to the questions below (note the alternative questions) 2×6 =12

3.1 How is a ‘removal hole’ formed? Or, what is an iceberg?

3.2 What is a Chinook? Or, what is an apogee tide?

3.3 How is waste segregation done? Or, what do you mean by waste recycling?

3.4 Name two geo-natural features of Karnataka plateau. Or, what are the two purposes of rainwater conservation?

What is the importance of 3.5-step cultivation? Or, what do you mean by sustainable development?

3.6 What do you mean by satellite imagery? Or, define a geodiversity map.


4. Give a short explanatory answer (multiple choice questions are important) 3×4 =12 

4.1 Explain why deltas form at the mouths of rivers. Or, why does temperature decrease with increasing height in the troposphere?

4.2 What are the ways to control gaseous waste? Or, how can the quantitative reduction of waste be achieved?

4.3 Briefly discuss the three main ways of conserving forests in India. Or, what do you understand by modern communication system?

4.4 What is the difference between a geodiversity map and a satellite image? Or, mention three uses of a geodiversity map.


5.1 Answer any two questions (drawing is not required for visually impaired candidates): 5×2=10

5.1.1 Describe with illustrations the main landforms formed by the combined action of glaciers and watercourses.

5.1.2 Explain the origin and course of the Earth’s regular wind currents with diagrams.

5.1.3 Discuss the main characteristics of the tropical monsoon climate zone.

5.1.4 Explain the causes of ocean currents.

5.2 Answer any two questions: 5×2=10

5.2.1 Give a brief description of the topography of the Western Himalayas of India.

5.2.2 Describe the natural environment conducive to cotton production in India.

5.2.3 Explain the main reasons for the development of iron and steel industry in eastern and central India.

5.2.4 Discuss the main reasons for the growth of cities in India.


6. Mark the following on the line map of India provided with the question paper with the appropriate symbols and names and attach the map to the answer sheet: 1×10 =10

6.1 Shivalik Mountains
6.2 Krishna River
6.3 The driest region of India
6.4 A red soil region of India
6.5 Central Forest Research Institute of India 6.6
A wheat-growing region of North India
6.7 Manchester of South India
6.8 A natural port on the east coast
6.9 Major administrative centre of India
6.10 Largest international airport in India

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