Madhyamik 2025 Geography Question Paper | Madhyamik 2025 Geography Question Paper

Category — ‘A’

1. Select the correct answer from the options and write: 1 x 14 = 14 

1.1 The process by which the height of the earth’s surface increases is called—

(a) Ascent process
(b) Descent process
(c) Weathering process
(d) Deglaciation process

1.2 Deep cracks formed on the surface of mountain glaciers are called—

(a) Nunatak
(b) Clevus
(c) Aret
(d) Sark

1.3 The annual temperature range is lowest in—

(a) In the equatorial climate zone
(b) In the monsoon climate zone
(c) In the Mediterranean climate zone
(d) In the steppe climate zone

1.4 The cold local air flowing in the Rhone River Valley of France is called—

(a) Chinook
(b) Sirocco
(c) Mistral
(d) Bora

1.5 The place where warm ocean currents and cold ocean currents meet is called—

(a) Ice wall
(b) Ice cliff
(c) Glacial plateau
(d) Ice bush

1.6 When the distance between the Earth and the Moon is maximum, it is called—

(a) Syzygy
(b) Perigee
(c) Apogee
(d) Apogee

1.7 The human body is created from contaminated water—

(a) Dysentery
(b) Asthma
(c) Lung cancer
(d) Blindness

1.8 The main basis for the reorganization of the Indian state was—

(a) Language
(b) Geographical similarity
(c) Food similarity
(d) Economic similarity

1.9 The source of the Ganges River is—

(a) Yamunotri Glacier
(b) Jemu Glacier
(c) Siachen Glacier
(d) Gangotri Glacier

1.10 India’s largest multi-purpose river project is:

(a) Bhakra-Nangal
(b) Damodar
(c) Rihand
(d) Hirakund

1.11 The state that ranks first in rice production per hectare in India is:

(a) West Bengal
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Punjab
(d) Andhra Pradesh

1.12 The raw materials required for the iron and steel industry are:

(a) Iron ore
(b) Coal
(c) Manganese
(d) All are applicable

1.13 According to the 2011 census, the number of metropolitan cities in India is:

(a) 55
(b) 53
(c) 51
(d) 49

Latitude and longitude distribution of 1.14 million sheets of geodiversity maps—

(a) 15′ x 15′
(b) 30′ x 30′
(c) 1° x 1°
(d) 4° x 4°

Category – ‘B’

2. 2.1 If the following sentences are correct, write ‘Shu’ next to them and if they are incorrect, write ‘A’ next to them (Answer any six questions): 1 x 6 = 6 

2.1.1 The height of the frost line varies with latitude.
2.1.2 Wind speed is measured with the help of anemometers.
2.1.3 The salinity of sea water is highest in the equatorial region.
2.1.4 The highest plateau in India is the Deccan Trap.
2.1.5 The ancient alluvial region of the Gangetic plain is called Bhangar.
2.1.6 Visakhapatnam is the only duty-free port in India.
2.1.7 Roads are indicated by red lines in satellite images.

2.2 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words (answer any six questions): 1 x 6 = 6

2.2.1 The holes formed in the riverbed by erosion are called ________.

2.2.2 In winter, water vapor condenses in industrial areas and mixes with dust particles to form ________.

2.2.3 Snowfall occurs in Newfoundland due to the influence of the ________ current.

2.2.4 Waste paper is a ________ type of waste.

2.2.5 The tropical easterly jet forces ________ winds to come to India.

2.2.6 The southernmost part of the Indian mainland is ________.

2.2.7 ________ is the most populous city in India.

2.3 Answer in one or two words (answer any six questions): 1 x 6 = 6 

2.3.1 What type of precipitation is seen in the temperate zone?

2.3.2 Which island in the Sundarbans has been completely submerged due to the effects of global warming?

2.3.3 What types of natural plants are found in the desert regions of India?

2.3.4 On which date does the low tide occur?

2.3.5 In which part of the Ganges River flow is the most polluted?

2.3.6 Write the name of a cash crop of India.

2.3.7 Which state in India is the most advanced in rainwater conservation?

2.3.8 Where is the head office of the ‘Survey of India’ located?

2.4 Match the numbers on the left with the numbers on the right: 1 x 4 = 4

  Left side Right side 

2.4.1 Predominance of ozone gas (1) Gurgaon
2.4.2 Sugarcane Research Laboratory (2) Jammu and Kashmir
2.4.3 Largest automobile manufacturing industry (3) Stratosphere
2.4.4 Karewa (4) Lucknow

Category – ‘C’

3. Give short answers to the following questions (note the alternative questions): 2 x 6 = 12 

3.1 What is nudity? Or, what is contrastive heat?

3.2 What is the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)? Or, define ocean currents.

3.3 Define waste management. Or, what do you mean by radioactive waste?

3.4 Where is the Malnad region located? Or, write the names of the two watershed regions of India.

3.5 What do you mean by millet? Or, write the name of one agriculture-based and one forestry-based industry in India.

3.6 Define satellite imagery. Or, mention the use of fractional scale (RF).

Category – ‘D’

4. Give a short explanatory answer (note the alternative questions): 3 x 4 = 12

4.1 Write three differences between the longitudinal and barkhan dunes. Or, briefly explain three arguments for identifying the Mediterranean climate on the temperature-precipitation diagram.

4.2 Briefly discuss three impacts of waste on the environment. OR, briefly discuss any three roles of students in waste management.

4.3 Mention three differences in the characteristics of tropical evergreen plants and tropical deciduous plants in India. Or, explain with examples the influence of raw materials in the development of industry in India.

4.4 Briefly discuss the three main features of satellite imagery. Or, mention the advantages and disadvantages of remote sensing systems.

Category – ‘E’

(Drawing is not required for visually impaired candidates)

5. 5.1 Answer any two questions: 5 x 2 = 10

5.1.1 Describe with illustrations the three main landforms created by river erosion.

5.1.2 Explain the reasons for the formation of equatorial low pressure zones and polar high pressure zones.

5.1.3 Describe how precipitation occurs, with suitable examples and illustrations.

5.1.4 Explain the causes of tides.

5.2 Answer any two questions: 5 x 2 = 10 

5.2.1 Discuss the differences in natural characteristics between the rivers of North and South India.

5.2.2 Briefly discuss the characteristics of alluvial soils and black soils of India.

5.2.3 Describe the natural environment conducive to wheat production.

5.2.4 Discuss the importance of India’s transportation system.

Category – ‘F’

6. Mark the following on the line map of India provided with the question paper with the appropriate symbols and names and attach the map to the answer sheet: 1 x 10 = 10

6.1 Vindhya Mountains
6.2 Loktak Lake
6.3 Mahanadi River
6.4 A rain shadow region
6.5 A mangrove forest region
6.6 A desert soil region
6.7 A sugarcane producing region in North India
6.8 A heavy engineering industrial center in East India
6.9 Visakhapatnam Port
6.10 A metropolis on the west coast.

Or (for visually impaired candidates only)

6. Answer any ten questions: 1 x 10 = 10

6.1 The largest river in South India.
6.2 Which is the largest lagoon on the east coast of India?
6.3 Name a tributary of the Indus flowing in the Punjab plains.
6.4 In which month is Kalbaisakhi observed in India?
6.5 Name a state where laterite soil is observed.
6.6 What type of normal plant grows in saline soil of India?
6.7 Name a horticultural crop grown in India.
6.8 Where is the largest petrochemical industrial center of India located?
6.9 Name the most populous state of India as per the 2011 census.
6.10 What is the name of the international airport of West Bengal?
6.11 What is the name of the dry riverbed of the desert?
6.12 In which layer of the atmosphere do thunderstorms occur?
6.13 Which is the highest peak of South India?
6.14 Write the name of an iron and steel industrial center in West Bengal.

Category – ‘G’

(For external examinees only)

7. 7.1 Answer any three questions: 2 x 3 = 6

7.1.1 What is a catchment basin?
7.1.2 What is meant by latitude?
7.1.3 What is a ban daka?
7.1.4 What is toxic waste?

7.2 Answer any four questions: 1 x 4 = 4

7.2.1 In which year was the State Reorganization Commission of India established?
7.2.2 What is the name of the moving sand dunes of the Thar Desert?
7.2.3 What is the literacy rate of India according to the 2011 census?
7.2.4 What is the name of the smallest state in India by area?
7.2.5 Write the name of a subsidiary industry in India.

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