12th Physics Practical Book PDF Download

The Class XII exam is the most important for all students. Because of this, the way for their future opens. That’s why you should not take the 12th exam lightly and whether it is a theory or practical exam, you should take everything seriously. Therefore in this article, you have been given the 12th Physics Practical Book PDF, which you can download from the link given below.

The 12th board exam puts a lot of strain on students. The level of competitiveness in the sector of education has been increasing daily. Everyone wants to perform well on the examinations. In such a competitive market, getting your hands on the appropriate copy becomes important

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12th Class Physics Practical/ Experiment book in English, Hindi, Tamil PDF Download

Mostly all those experiments are added in Physics Practical, which are explaining the basics of a concept. For example, experiments of resistance, AC/DC Measurement, etc. from the electricity chapter have been included in this.

The following Physics practicals have been added for Class 12th State Boards, CBSE, CISCE, ICSE & NIOS Board-

  • to determine resistivity
  • to find resistance using Meter Bridge
  • to verify the Law of combination (Series & Parallel) using Meter Bridge
  • to compare EMF using a Potentiometer
  • to find the resistance of the Galvanometer
  • to convert Galvanometer into Voltmeter & Ammeter
  • to determine the focal length of a convex lens, concave lens & convex mirror
  • to determine the angle of minimum deviation of a prism
  • to draw I-V characteristics for PN Junction Diode in Forward & Reverse Bias

How to write Physics Practical (Stepwise)?

To write the practical of Physics, you have to follow the steps given below-

  • First of all, you have to write the aim and object of the experiment. Through which it is known what is the purpose of your Practical.
  • After that, the names of the apparatus used during the experiment are written.
  • After writing the names of the required apparatus, the theory to be used in the practical is written. Write the information about the principle using which the experiment has been done.
  • If a diagram is required to explain the experiment, it is made.
  • In its next step, the procedure to do the experiment is written. All kinds of things are written in the procedure, due to which the experiment has been successful.
  • After doing the experiment with the correct procedure comes the turn of observation. The changes after experimenting are written as well as an observation table is also made.
  • After making the reservation table, the calculation is done from which we get a result.
  • The result is written in the next step.
  • In the end, things to be noted and precautions to be taken during the practical are written.

Class 12 Physics Practical Marks

Two experiments (8+8 Marks) – Two experiments of 8-8 Marks are conducted from both sections.

Practical record (7 Marks) – Your practical record is seen in which different types of experiments and activities are checked.

Viva on experiments, and activities (7 Marks) – Different types of questions are asked out of all the practicals that have been made for you, and on the basis of this 7 marks are assessed.

12th Physics Practical Book PDF Download in Hindi

12th Physics Practical Book PDF Download in English

Physics Practical File For Class 12 PDF Download

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