Acids Bases and Salts Class 10 Assertion and Reason Questions

Here you will get Acids Bases and Salts Class 10 Assertion and Reason Questions. Assertion and Reason questions for class Science Acids Bases and Salts Class 10 Assertion and Reason Questions with answers is prepared on latest exam pattern. Students can solve Assertion Reason question for Class 10 Chapter 2 to boost their preparation . 

Assertion and reasoning question for class 10 Science Chapter 2 Acids Bases and Salts Class 10 Assertion and Reason Questions has been provided to help students tackle the question asked in board exam. Please solve these questions to check your understanding of this chapter.

Acids, Bases and Salts Class 10 Assertion and Reason Type Questions Science Chapter 2

Following questions consist of two statements : Assertion (A) and Reason (R) . Answer these questions selecting the appropriate option given below :

(i) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(ii) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
(iii) A is true but R is false.
(iv) A is false but R is true.

1. (A) Lemon juice is sour in taste.

    (R) Lemon juice turns blue litmus to red.


2. (A) Clove oil is an olfactory indicator.

    (R) Smell of clove can be used to detect whether a given chemical is a strong base or a weak base.Answer

3. (A) Sodium hydroxide reacts with zinc to produce hydrogen gas.

    (R) Hydrogen gas is tested by bringing a burning candle near gas bubbles.Answer

4. (A) Bases turns red litmus solution into blue litmus solution.

    (R) Bases give hydroxide ions in their aqueous solution.Answer

5. (A) Sodium hydrogencarbonate is used in soda-acid fire extinguisher.

    (R) Sodium hydrogencarbonate is a weak base.Answer

6. (A) If the pH the inside the mouth decreases below 5.5, it causes tooth decay.

    (R) The bacteria present in mouth degrades the sugar and left over food particles and produce acids that causes tooth decay.Answer

7. (A) When electricity is passed through and aqueous solution of sodium chloride, it decomposes to form sodium hydroxide.

    (R) This process is known as chlor-alkali process.Answer

8. (A) Phenolphthalein gives pink colour in basic solution.

    (R) Phenolphthalein is a natural acid-base indicator.Answer

9. (A) The aqueous solution of glucose and alcohol do not show acidic nature.

    (R) Aqueous solution of glucose and alcohol do not give Hions.Answer

10. (A) Bleaching powder is used as an oxidising agent in chemical industries.

      (R) Bleaching powder is produced by the action of dry slaked lime.Answer

11. (A) Sodium carbonate is an acidic salt.

      (R) Sodium carbonate is formed with weak acid and strong base.Answer

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12. (A) Plaster of Paris is used as a plaster for supporting factored bones.

      (R) Plaster of Paris is a white powder which changes to gypsum on mixing with water and once again giving a hard solid mass.Answer

13. (A) Hydrochloric acid produces hydronium ions and chloride ions in aqueous solution.

      (R) In presence of water, base gives Hions.Answer

14. (A) Non metallic oxides react with bases to form salt and water.

      (R) Non metallic oxides are acidic in nature.Answer

15. (A) The process of dissolving an acid or a base in water is highly exothermic.

      (R) The acid must always be added slowly to the water with constant stirring.Answer

16. (A) Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid.

      (R) Hydrochloric acid completely ionises in its aqueous solution.Answer

17. (A) Weak acids have low electrical conductivity.

      (R) Strong acids and weak acids have equal concentration of hydrogen ions in their aqueous solution.Answer

18. (A) To dilute concentrated nitric acid, water is added slowly to the acid.

      (R) In this process of dilution, a lot of heat energy will be released.Answer

19. (A) Strength of an acid or a base decreases with dilution.

      (R) Ionisation of an acid or a base increases with dilution.Answer

20. (A) The chemical name of bleaching powder is calcium oxychloride.

      (R) Bleaching powder is used for disinfecting drinking water to make it free of germs.Answer

We hope the given Assertion and Reason Questions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 will help you. If you have any queries regarding Assertion and Reason Questions for Class 10 Acids, Bases and Salts, contact us and we will get back to you soon.


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