Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice PDF Download

Download Free PDF Book “Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice” By John M. Senior. Senior is an established core text in a field that is growing fast and in which technology is constantly evolving. The text succeeds in giving a practical introduction to the fundamentals, problems and techniques of design and utilisation of optical fiber systems. It is respected as the most comprehensive and practical book in the market. This new edition will retain all core features, while incorporating recent improvements and developments in the field.

Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice Book contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Optical fiber waveguides
  3. Transmission characteristics of optical fibers
  4. Optical fibers and cables
  5. Optical fiber connection: joints and couplers
  6. Optical sources 1: the laser
  7. Optical sources 2: the light emitting diode
  8. Optical detectors
  9. Direct detection receiver performance considerations
  10. Optical amplification and integrated optics
  11. Integrated Optics and Photonics
  12. Optical fiber systems 1: intensity modulation/direct detection
  13. Optical Fiber Systems 2: coherent and phase modulated
  14. Optical fiber measurements
  15. Optical Networks
  16. Appendix A The field relations in a planar guide
  17. Appendix B Gaussian pulse response
  18. Appendix C Variance of a random variable
  19. Appendix D Variance of the sum of independent random variables
  20. Appendix E Closed loop transfer function for the transimpedance amplifier
  21. Index

Lets’ Read This Book Features

  1. SI units used throughout
  2. Includes all major developments in single-mode fibers
  3. Contains a wealth of worked examples, problems and exercises
  4. Has broadest coverage of optical amplifiers and optic devices
  5. Coverage of advanced systems and techniques
  6. Extensive references throughout the text
  7. Worked examples illustrate applications
  8. Coverage of op amps and soliton systems
  9. Updated and expanded coverage of optical networks

Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice Book Details

Book Name Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice
Author John M. Senior
Category Electrical And Electronics Engineering Books, Electrical Engineering Books, Electronics & Communication Engineering
Book Language English
Publisher Pearson -Prentice Hall New Delhi
Pages 1128
Country India
Book Size 15 MB

Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice Book PDF Download

Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice PDF Download

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